
Sunday, February 26, 2017

WOL Circles - Week 8: Practice empathy & engagement - Additional Video Content

I have now read all the content for our Week 8 call in the coming week. I have been reasonably well-behaved staying mostly on-piste and not rabbit trailling too much prior to today in the circle. However, I have fallen well and truly off the wagon now and found some great additional content for those that want to tag along (no extra marks for extra homework!) :)

1) Amanda Palmer TED talk "The Art of Asking" referenced in the guide

2) Amanda talking about looking directly in people's eyes reminded me of this performance artist's work:
"Marina Abramovic on performing Artist is Present (2012)"

3) (same artist) "An Art Made of Trust, Vulnerability and Connection | Marina Abramović | TED Talks"

4) In my role as a member of a church leadership team I lead an All Age Worship team that creates and delivers a 6-weekly event for the whole church community. We have used the next 3 videos in our events. See our values listed @ which still remain applicable after we first formulated them a decade + ago.

"People react to being called beautiful":

5) "Comfortable: 50 People 1 Question":

6) "57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life" (gets me every time!)

7) "Ask Ramit - How to sell in a non-sleazy manner" - Ramit was mentioned in the guide, loving the reference to "Trusted Advisor"!:


8) "A person is a person because of people" (Zulu proverb)

"Present Perfect": I have been collating what I have done in the past week for my week 8 call this week. Going through my tweets I remembered this video that I tweeted after stumbling over it this week. I remembered years ago seeing a video about the power of co-locating nursery schools and old people's care homes. While Google-ing to try to find it, I came across this more recent Kickstarter video for a proposed film ...

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